The biggest challenge, I think, is finding a library of different tiles that I can use online (for others). Any common format (PNG, JPEG, GIF, PDG) as I can convert them into what I need. Both cave, dungeon and perhaps inside a house. Looking for fantasy / D&D dungeon themed assets. Where can I find tiles I could use? For free or commercial, as long as it can be part of the online tool so both myself and any visitor could use them. My question is where could I find tiles (and other images) I could use as assets for the online tool? Most tile-sets I have found are 'for personal use', but publishing these online for 'anyone' to use would probably break the license. So I am thinking of creating my own online HTML5 dungeon map tool and share it with others. I have been looking around on various dungeon map making tools and I have not yet found one I am comfortable with.